AMDA has so far dispatched 29 personnel (including 12 doctors, 8 nurses, 1 pharmacist) in collaboration with other AMDA Chapters. According to local report, relief supplies such as tents, blankets and sleeping bags are in need for evacuees out on the streets. The evacuees were obliged to move out from homes which could easily collapse in the case of after shock.
1. AMDA HQ/Taiwan Emergency Medical Mission in Sichuan
i) Sichuan Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences in Chengdu
AMDA has formed its third relief team on May 23rd for further medical assistance at the Sichuan Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences. The team comprises 3 doctors, 2 nurses and 1 coordinator. Despite after two weeks from the devastating quake, still a number of patients have been waiting for surgical operations as well as traumatic cases commonly seen. Beside surgeries AMDA doctors are providing counseling for the latter cases.
ii) West China Hospital in Chengdu
On May 22nd AMDA’s second team has completed its four-day mission at the West China Hospital which included 2 surgeons
iii) Mobile clinic in Anxien
AMDA’s first team held mobile clinic at the mountainous village in the suburbs of Anxien. The clinic was held at a local school used for evacuation shelter.
2. Evacuation site in Sufang
AMDA’S relief team (1 surgeon, 2 nurses, 1 coordinator) has been continuing its medical relief at a gym
AMDA’s clinical staff and local township medical personnel have been workign in the remote areas of Mankaleik
RHC (Rural Health Center) of Kungyangon Township
in Yangon Division.
With 17 members, 5 doctors, 2 health assistants,
1 midwife, 3 nurses, 1 coordinator,
4 health assistants, and 1 logistic assistant in total,
the team has decided to split in two teams so as to
effectively reach severely-affected remote communities.
Under the coordination of TMO (Township Medical Officer)
of Kungyangon Township, the mobile teams plan to extend
their coverage areas to Dayae Lu RHC
and Let Khoke Gon SH (Station Hospital) sections
as soon as they complete the work in Taw Kuu.
In addition to clinical services, the teams also provide
sanitary items such as soap and water purifying tablet
along with IEC materials.
The program is based on the following...
1.Provide medical care and support to needy patients
in timely and professional manner.
2.Coordinate field work in line with MoH guidelines,
in particular those of the ER section.
3.Collaborate with existing health infrastructure and
personnel on the ground, in particular ones
in the public sector, who know the area most.
4.Promote participation from community members
who suffered but are willing to give hands
to their neighbors.
5.Maintain communication channels with various stakeholders
that include UN agencies and diplomatic missions.
AMDA-RoseCharities Canada support these missions. Please donate via AMDA-Rose Charities Canada is run by volunteers and so there are almost zero administration costs. All your donation goes entirely to one or other mission (as chosen by yourself)