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22 December 2009

2009 Christmas Message from Will Grut (Sec.General Rose Charities)

I write to send  everyone closely or loosely linked with Rose Charities, or partner organizations the warmest possible festive wishes.  While here in Vancouver late December Christmas now has the highest profile of the festivities, almost every other religion has  its own celebration around this time, so the wishes of Annie and I are for all happiness which they bring everybody. The joy of so many of these occasions around this time  makes us realize how united we really all  on our planet and how we must actively strive to overcome dogmas and preconceptions which divide us and cause strife.  With the  problem of global warming on most of our minds not to mention continuing wars, abuse of human rights and freedoms the needs are ever more critical

The  ‘Rose tree’ in 2009 has continued to grow. This  growth has  been in the best possible way by the adding in  of small, energetic cooperative programs or parts of programs rather than simply expanding   bureaucracy.  Of particular note in this area has been on the African continent where Rose Charities supported projects are now in Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Madagascar.  The Hillman Fund has been foremost in many of these programs, but the projects of Asolate Rwanda and Stand Tall Uganda must also be commended.   In S.E. Asia   Rose Charities Malaysia became formally registered in Penang and made a flying start with several  health screening projects and health promotions and the establishment of a wonderful high energy membership.

In early March 2009  a the 2nd Rose Charities International Meeting, hosted by Rose Charities Vietnam, in Ho Chi Minh City, the Rose Charities International Charter and Board, carefully crafted over the previous 2years  by Linda Roberts formally came into being.  The Executive board was honored then to accept the appointments for 2 year terms,  established by vote of  Mr Lawrence Cheah (Malaysia)  as Hon. Chair,  Dr Basant Raj Sharma (Nepal)  Hon Vice Chair, Ms Linda Roberts (Canada) as Hon. Secretary.  I  (Canada, NZ, UK) was kindly voted to Secretary General.

Rose Charities Sri Lanka, one of Rose Charities most effective  programs had a huge boost mid 2009 by the award of a large three-year sponsorship from a Europe based charitable foundation for a program expanding early childhood care and development/education and women and girls education in its its programs.  This will augment is hugely successful micro-credit, counseling, sports and previous education programs.  Rose Sri Lanka has also founded   a small eyesight clinic/assessment center.

The last 3rd of 2009 sadly brought almost simultaneous natural disaster of earthquake (Sumatra), typhoon (Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia) and tsunami (Samoa, Tonga).  Rose Charities was able to provide assistance both by working with AMDA Canada (which links with AMDA International relief efforts) and assisting on its own. In the latter case, Rose Charities Vietnam director Mr Nguyen organized relief supplies to the mainly affected area.  Rose Charities NZ, linked with The WBDI organization and AMDA NZ in an effort which sent both medical supplies (AMDA) and a trauma counselor Mrs Liese Groot-Alberts. (Rose NZ). Liese’s work was considered so effective that Oxfam NZ and WBDI have now generously taken over and funded a continuing program managed by Liese.

In Cambodia Eye and Rehabilitation surgery programs run well. The former is considerably supported by Rose NZ who continue to provide training and equipment. Rose Charities Australia is now focusing on assisting with poly rehab services - physiotherapy, speech therapy etc to provide support to the rehab surgical services.

Simply describing projects however does not do written justice to the huge goodwill, dedication and commitment of so many wonderful people in the extended Rose Charities network.  You all form the most fantastic and critically essential foundation which keep the entire organization operational. Eric Vanderluit (Canada), Jane Midgley (New Zealand) and Barbara Reade (UK) all donate their professional accounting services and it is hard to find words to thank them enough.  In other areas, you donate expertise in fields ranging from  medicine, surgery and optometry through web design, to public relations, fund raising and media promotion. To everyone who donates these or other things -  time, enthusiasm, creativity  energy  etc Rose Charities must give its  most sincere thanks.

The Charity Rose Award for 2008 was given to Mrs Jan Johnston, one of the founders of Rose Charities Vietnam.  Having worked tirelessly to help those in need both in Ho Chi Minh City and other areas, Jan epitomizes the spirit of charity to which Rose strives to emulate.  Jan was the 4th winner of the award.  Although she and her family have now left Vietnam, she nevertheless continues her commitment to Rose Charities Vietnam, especially in helping orphanages there.

June 2010 will in late  June, see the third Rose Charities International meeting, this time hosted by Rose Charities Cambodia and Operation First in Phnom Penh.  I very much hope to see everyone there in that wonderful country and the one where Rose Charities all started.  Information is available from Linda at the meeting secretariat email address

Warm and festive wishes then to everyone.  May you enjoy what is with you now but be able to look forward to success and continued happiness in the year to come.  May harmony and charity be with you wherever you go.

William Grut MD.  Secretary General. Rose Charities International

11 December 2009

Impact of Disasters on Children by Dr Yaya de Andrade (Trauma Counselor)

(Click on article to enlarge)