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27 August 2010


Who can define 'disability'. All we can compare with is a general 'norm' . But this too is inaccurate. Were Mozart, Einstein or Marie Curie then disabled ? In some way or other we all have aspects away from the norm. We are all thus, in some way or other 'disabled'

Definitions then are of little use. What is important is quality, enjoyment and sense of fulfillment of life. While physical abilities are very much part of this, they are not the only factors. Inability to move in the same way as the majority does not necessarily define happiness. A healthy child for example, starved mentally and emotionally is in a far worse condition than those one loved, educated and cherished albeit with one with dysfunctional limb movement.

The organizers of Rose Charites see assistance for 'disability' as being far more than physical, medical or surgical treatment. Rose Rehabilitation Cambodia has the ultimate goal of assisting disabled children and adults in all areas. These include education, community activities (arts etc), vocational training and income generation.

'Social symbiosis' is a key concept of Rose Charities and Holistic Rehabilitation is a fundamental part of this. Rose Rehabilitation Cambodia is moving forward in this area with an education sponsorship program as well as building the children's rehabilitation playground described elsewhere in this site. Funding is being sought also to directly help challenged individuals directly in improving quality of in their homes and a cooperation with Epic Arts - an organization involving Cambodian communities in the Kampot area in art/drama programs is planned